year 14, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024)                   E.E.R. 2024, 14(3): 1-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Rajabi Eslami A, Ghahroudi Tali M, Salehipour Milani A. The Relevance of the River Pattern and its Effect on the Groundwater Parameters (Case study: the plains of the southern Hillside of Alborz center). E.E.R. 2024; 14 (3) :1-27
Physical Geography Department, Earth Sciences Faculty, Tehran Shahid Beheshti University ,
Abstract:   (155 Views)

1- Introduction
 Landforms show different patterns over time and in different spatial scales and climates, knowing the temporal and spatial patterns of landforms in each region can provide the possibility of predicting and detecting the potential of Groundwater in a similar spatial situation. Due to Iran being among the dry and semi-arid countries of the world and the existence of inherent limitations of Groundwater water resources, proper location for exploring and maintaining the sustainable potential of Groundwater is of particular importance. The importance of these resources in the southern plains of Alborz is twofold due to the population density and location in a dry and semi-arid climate, which requires the exploration of Groundwater. A complete understanding of the system, forecasting the current and future conditions, as well as presenting the environmental indicators considered by geomorphologists by providing geostatistical methods, in addition to saving money and time, can determine the places where there is a higher probability of having desirable aquifers. Rivers represent to a great extent the geomorphic nature of any region. The appearance patterns of the river can be classified into four main groups, which are straight channels, sinuous meandering and severe meandering. The channel pattern is derived from a set of characteristics that can create a direct relationship with the state of Groundwater infiltration and, as a result, changes in the level of water stagnation. Factors such as changes in river flow, sediment conditions, land surface slope, river strength, vegetation cover, etc. cause changes in the pattern of the river along its path. These factors are considered to be the most important factors of Groundwater penetration in the plain and downstream areas of the mountain fault line (Kennik line). Therefore, it can be concluded that with the change in the river pattern, the status of the groundwater level should also change. In the field of investigating the real or actual potential of Groundwater, there have been scattered studies that based on the environmental changes during a certain period, it is possible to find out the probability of the existence of Groundwater in that area. The purpose of the current research is to find the potential of Groundwater resources according to the changes of river platforms in the western plains of Tehran, Alborz and Qazvin. In this present research, after identifying and mapping the river channels in the western and southern plains of Tehran, Alborz and Qazvin provinces, the sinuosity characteristics of each of the rivers were determined and the studied area was divided into 67 intervals according to the river patterns and calculated independently. Also, this article has tried to determine the influence of river parameters on the changes of Groundwater parameters by identifying the border of river pattern changes and its relationship with the clustering of Groundwater parameters according to statistical classification
2- Methodology
 In order to evaluate the role of river platforms on water table changes, information on well discharge rate, electrical conductivity and water table depth of 23559 observation wells from Iran Water Resources Organization was prepared. Also, the morphometric characteristics of the rivers and the resulting patterns were identified and their relationship with the average, maximum and minimum depth of the water table, discharge and electrical conductivity were calculated. 26 rivers were used as the main rivers of the western regions of Tehran, Karaj and Qazvin provinces. Then, each river was divided into two or more parts by means of morphometric changes along the river course and according to the separated sinuosity. According to the pattern of rivers, the studied area was divided into 67 intervals and drawn. Arc Gis 10.5 software was used for digitization and data processing. The sinuosity coefficient of each river was calculated in terms of the ratio of the length of the main course of the river to the length of the valley or the linear length of the river. By determining the river's sinuosity coefficient (Figure 2), each river was divided into four straight, sinusoidal, meandering, and severe meandering patterns according to the average of the determined coefficient. Using SPSS version 23 software, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to classify the characteristics of groundwater in 26 rivers and its tree diagram was drawn. Considering the non-parametric nature of the data of each cluster, the significant difference of the parameters was determined by the one-way variance and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Also, in order to determine the effect of river parameters on changes in the depth of Groundwater in each model, hierarchical cluster classification was done and its significance level according to the number of variables and parametric or non-parametric data using one-way variance, independent t, Kruskal-Wallis and Man- Whitney and Pearson correlation test were calculated. The coefficient of explanation and the graph of changes in Groundwater parameters were also estimated by Excel software.
3- Results
The results showed that all three groundwater parameters have a strong correlation and a significant difference of 95% in straight, sinusoidal and Pichanrodi patterns. Also, the river sections that have a sinusoidal pattern with a sinuosity coefficient of 1.14 and an average flow rate of 12.6 liters per second have the highest amount of water flow compared to the other two patterns. The relationship between the sinuosity coefficient of the river and the amount of electrical conductivity and the depth of the sedimentation surface is linear and non-random, and moving from the straight pattern to the winding pattern, the amount of electrical conductivity and the depth of the sedimentation surface increases
4- Discussion & Conclusions
The results showed that each of the rivers, in addition to having an independent pattern, also had pattern changes along its course, which can be identified and separated. In addition, the areas under the influence of rivers can be separated into two classes or clusters in terms of the status of Groundwater parameters. In fact, the significant difference in the sinuosity coefficient of rivers in areas that have significant differences in terms of Groundwater changes can indicate the influence of both parameters on changes in environmental conditions such as the morphogenic state, topography, hydrology, lithology and morphology of the region. Therefore, the changes in the sinuosity coefficient can be considered as evidence of the changes in the Groundwater, and the results of the verification show the influence of the platform of each river section on the changes in the Groundwater. Also, the degree of correlation and significance of the twisting coefficient of the river with the changes in flow parameters, depth of water table and electrical conductivity also shows that all three Groundwater parameters have a strong correlation and a significant difference of 95% in straight, sinusoidal and meandering river patterns. In general, the results of this research showed that due to the great relationship between patterns or river platforms on Groundwater, this index can be used in large and small intervals to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative changes of Groundwater and it can be used for Other similar areas also extended. Also, the results of this study show that river geomorphic studies before carrying out implementation plans can be the basis for reducing the error in determining the appropriate place to feed the aquifer or dig an Groundwater well.
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Received: 2023/12/26 | Published: 2024/10/1

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